The Daniel B. Fambro Student Paper Award is awarded annually for a significant paper prepared by a student member of ITE. The award honors the work of Daniel B. Fambro, who was a professor at Texas A&M University and an associate research engineer at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and passed away in 1999. In naming the award in Dan’s honor, ITE recognizes his exemplary service to ITE, and his dedication to his students and the profession. The purpose of the award is to encourage ITE student members to conduct and report on independent and original research and investigate transportation subjects and to provide a means for recognizing outstanding accomplishment in this area. The District winner will be forwarded to ITE International for consideration for the Daniel B. Fambro Student Paper Award.
2024 Student Paper Award – Zachary Jerome, University of Michigan
Determining Minimum Change Intervals from Vehicle Trajectory Data
Past Recipients:
- 2023 – Myles Overall from Michigan State University for their paper titled “Effect of Pedestrian Presence on Driver Speeds Approaching Roundabouts”
- 2022 – Md Shakir Mahmud from Michigan State for their paper titled “Positive effects of dynamic speed feedback signs on freeway ramp curves to reduce speeds and road departures”
- 2021 – Bedan Khanal from Wayne State University for their paper titled “Exploratory Analysis of Surrogate Safety Measures and Signal Timing: A Single-Intersection Case Study”
- 2020 – Meghna Chakraborty, from Michigan State University (legacy Great Lakes District) for their paper on the “Relationship between Horizontal Curve Density and Safety Performance on Two-Lane Rural Segments”
- 2020 – A.M. Tahsin Emtenan, from Iowa State University (legacy Midwestern District) for their paper on Impacts of Detector Configuration on Performance Measurement and Signal Operations